

I have tried to give as much information on the things that we do in Eriskay to keep some kind of routine for all of the children.  Please do not feel under any pressure to have your child sitting doing work all the time. They all love the songs we do throughout the day and I will add more if I've forgotten any.

If you need any symbols let me know and I will share them on here or seesaw.

We have been doing baking and we have been really enjoying it so if you can, then they would really enjoying doing some baking.

We play with playdoh, and we use blocks and lego to build things so if you have these at home then this would be good to use. We also use toys to play and many of the children have started to show interest in cars and figures.

Our topic is Scotland and Glasgow and I will upload pictures and video clips over the next week. 

The other links on the main Drummore blog are great too and are worth looking at, Richards videos are all uploaded there.

If there is any specific information you require, or if your child is looking for a specific song that you can't find please let me know and I will upload it.

I miss all of them and will see them soon.
Joanne x


  1. Katie loved seeing everyone and listening to the music in Assembly. Katie misses everyone very much. xxx


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